
The people and ideas behind TOGETHER.

CoCo, the company behind TOGETHER, was founded with the vision of better meetings: People need to get into “flow” together to co-create solutions that move organizations forward.

During the first prototypes, our founder Christoph Kappes found out that good tools need to help make decisions. Because every organization is completely driven by decisions – and only in meetings, not with mails or chats. Meetings are the heart of organizations, where people can systematically talk about issues (analysis, values, visions, conflicts, etc.) in such a way that their decisions are well-reasoned, balanced and clear. This requires short writing – but not in chat, but in documents. We believe most meeting documents should be only one page long. Analysis results, decision papers, minutes as briefly as possible, but in complete sentences and also not as words on Post-Its.

After determining that we needed to make decisions demonstrable, we developed a second stage. Identities of users can be proven by video ID (with an official document). With a digital wallet, access becomes safer and easier. And we will soon file decisions in a “logbook”. This is important when people meet who do not know each other and therefore need more trust.

Now, with the third stage, we show how meetings can be better with AI. We have therefore integrated a first implementation of an LLM.

We will be happy to take you with us on our journey. There is still a lot to do. The universe is waiting for us to fix broken concepts of old “meeting tools”.

PS: Our team of course works remotely, mainly in Germany, namely in Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt and Aachen.